Sleep Tips & Suggestions
Relax. Trust your instincts.
Every baby is a unique blessing and requires different techniques to enter into the downing cycle. If a suggestion or tip does not seem to work for your child, then move on until you find the one that works for both of you.
Again, trust your instincts.
You know your baby.
For example, you ate a spicy dinner now your baby seems agitated.
You try rubbing their tummy. They relax.
Sometimes, it can be that simple, and soon baby is asleep.
Instincts win again!
Please join the Daddydown forum to add suggestions on bedtime strategies.
Let's build a community to help our children fall asleep. So we can.
Babies will adapt:
Babies are naturally designed to adapt. Parents, go about business as usual.
If you change your daily routines, then baby will not have the opportunity to adapt to your schedule. You will be setting yourself up! Always tip-toeing around the house, only doing dishes when baby is awake, whispering even if baby is sleeping two rooms away, and jumping over your couch to stop a cell phone from ringing.
Do not make this mistake! Minimize change in your daily routine, and your baby will quickly adapt to your lifestyle. Babies will get the sleep they need, when they need it.
Babies are naturally designed to adapt. Parents, go about business as usual.
If you change your daily routines, then baby will not have the opportunity to adapt to your schedule. You will be setting yourself up! Always tip-toeing around the house, only doing dishes when baby is awake, whispering even if baby is sleeping two rooms away, and jumping over your couch to stop a cell phone from ringing.
Do not make this mistake! Minimize change in your daily routine, and your baby will quickly adapt to your lifestyle. Babies will get the sleep they need, when they need it.
Stay the course:
Usually, an overtired, overstimulated baby is the hardest to calm and put to sleep. The key at these intense and stressful times is for the parent to keep a cool head and stay the course using their selected sleep track, rocking method, humming pattern etc.
Often, just at the moment when baby is about to give up fighting and fall asleep,
the parent will stop rocking or try a new humming pattern; suddenly, the baby is more upset. Don't bail too soon!
Stay the course, keep calm, and baby will settle down and fall asleep.
Usually, an overtired, overstimulated baby is the hardest to calm and put to sleep. The key at these intense and stressful times is for the parent to keep a cool head and stay the course using their selected sleep track, rocking method, humming pattern etc.
Often, just at the moment when baby is about to give up fighting and fall asleep,
the parent will stop rocking or try a new humming pattern; suddenly, the baby is more upset. Don't bail too soon!
Stay the course, keep calm, and baby will settle down and fall asleep.
In this busy world, although difficult to achieve, routine is essential to helping baby and parent achieve maximum hours of sleep.
Every child, situation, and circumstance is different, yet all children seek consistency. A routine should include basic, predictable action(s) that the baby can anticipate to prepare for bedtime each night.
Caution, be careful to only include actions that you are willing to do every night. For example, do not say we will read 5 books a night if you are only willing to read 1. Keep it simple!
Sample bedtime routine:
* 7:00 - 7:30: Bath time (A warm, soothing bath is a relaxing way to start the downing cycle.)
* 7:30 - 7:40: Put on pajamas. Begin saying quietly that it is time for bed and on what a great day it has been.
* 7:50 - 8:00: Read a book while baby is either nursing or drinking bottle. Read slowly and remember babies love to read the same book over and over. Don't forget to brush those teeth:)
* 8:00 - 8:15: Place baby in crib while still somewhat awake, play Daddydown tracks, and exit the room as the tracks begin. The sooner the baby adapts to being put in crib awake, the sooner baby will sleep through the night and be able to fall back asleep.
*The above routine is only a sample and is not intended to work for all parents, children and schedules. However, having a set nighttime schedule is absolutely essential to help both baby and parent achieve maximum sleep.*
In this busy world, although difficult to achieve, routine is essential to helping baby and parent achieve maximum hours of sleep.
Every child, situation, and circumstance is different, yet all children seek consistency. A routine should include basic, predictable action(s) that the baby can anticipate to prepare for bedtime each night.
Caution, be careful to only include actions that you are willing to do every night. For example, do not say we will read 5 books a night if you are only willing to read 1. Keep it simple!
Sample bedtime routine:
* 7:00 - 7:30: Bath time (A warm, soothing bath is a relaxing way to start the downing cycle.)
* 7:30 - 7:40: Put on pajamas. Begin saying quietly that it is time for bed and on what a great day it has been.
* 7:50 - 8:00: Read a book while baby is either nursing or drinking bottle. Read slowly and remember babies love to read the same book over and over. Don't forget to brush those teeth:)
* 8:00 - 8:15: Place baby in crib while still somewhat awake, play Daddydown tracks, and exit the room as the tracks begin. The sooner the baby adapts to being put in crib awake, the sooner baby will sleep through the night and be able to fall back asleep.
*The above routine is only a sample and is not intended to work for all parents, children and schedules. However, having a set nighttime schedule is absolutely essential to help both baby and parent achieve maximum sleep.*
Getting baby to sleep through the night: (It is possible, and YOU can do it!)
There comes a time around the 12th to 18th month of a young baby's life when parents think, "This just must be how the rest of my life is going to be: no sleep, no social life, no free time." There is hope! Parents, you have the power to start these changes tonight and get your child to sleep through the night.
The first couple of days are going to be a challenge for both parents and baby.
It is very important that parents are mentally prepared for a very upset baby
and an unpredictable couple nights of sleep.
A message to the males:
Dads! Here is where we come in as the hero of the story! You must physically, mentally, and emotionally prepare for this event. YOU need to be the "bad guy" during this important, necessary transition so that you can ultimately BE THE HERO for your family. Ready? Let's do this!
*Note to single moms: You too can get your baby to sleep, just be prepared for a bit more crying initially. When nursing babies smell their mom, they naturally want to nurse:)*
NOTE: If letting your baby cry for even a little bit of time causes concerns please consult the Institute of Sensitive Sleep Consulting for further, personalized and gentle sleep advice. With the Institutes tips and Daddydown sleep aids your baby is sure to have a better nights sleep.
Operation "Through the Night":
*** Schedule and plan a time that will be best for you and your spouse to implement this operation. Initially, there could be a couple nights of baby screaming and parents not getting a full night sleep. A three day weekend or other type of holiday when you are not traveling would be ideal. ***
*** Do not attempt if baby is sick or appears to be coming down with an illness. Wait until they are feeling better.***
*** Do not attempt if daylight savings time is a couple weeks away. Wait until the time change, then proceed.***
Let the operation begin:
Night 1: Repeat each night. Around day 5, baby should be sleeping through the night, and so should you! :-)
After bedtime routine, place baby in crib WHILE STILL AWAKE.
Baby must learn to independently fall asleep instead of depending on nursing or some other form of parental soothing.
Press play on your Daddydown track. Make sure the volume is not too loud and the track is set for repeat.
Parent(s) leave the room.
At this point, especially if the child is 12 months or older and has been nursing to fall asleep since birth, the baby will most likely become very upset and not fall asleep. DO NOT GO INTO THE ROOM RIGHT AWAY!
Set a timer for 5 minutes.
If the baby is still upset after 5 minutes, go into the room (preferably Dad) and return the baby to a lying position, gently rub baby's back and say, "Good night, we love you. It's time for bed, etc." and leave the room. It is important to stay in the room for less than 30 seconds and NOT to take baby out of crib.
Set a timer for 10 minutes.
If the baby is still upset, go back into the room (again, preferably Dad), place the baby back into a lying position, gently rub baby's back and sooth the baby for under 30 seconds, and then leave the room.
Set the timer for 10 minutes.
Repeat these steps until the baby falls asleep.
In short:
- Place baby in crib while still awake.
- No matter how loud and mad baby gets allow 5 minutes before entering the room, unless baby is unsafe.
- Place baby back in lying position, gently sooth for 30 seconds. Leave the room.
- Set timer for 10 minutes.
- Sooth for 30 seconds without picking baby up out of crib.
- Set timer for 10 minutes.
- Repeat until asleep.
Note: Most parents will be pleasantly surprised just how quickly this technique works. By night 3, most young children will be sleeping through the night, and
for the first time in what seems like forever, so will the exhausted parents.